Honorable County Judge
Welcome to Hidalgo County!
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your County Judge. I sincerely appreciate your vote of confidence in electing me this past November and, regardless of whether you supported me or my opponent, rest assured that I take, very seriously, the responsibility to serve all of Hidalgo County.
As many of you know, I am not a stranger to public service. I plan to bring my past experience and couple it with the fresh perspective of someone who is new to county government to my office. I am committed to working hard every day to bring prosperity and growth to Hidalgo County; to ensure that we look at all government operations and implement strategies and policies to ensure efficiency and innovation, and to do what is best for our residents and taxpayers.
I will be a full-time County Judge and – together with my team, Commissioners Court, other elected officials, department heads and staff – will move the county to a leadership position in the State of Texas and as a model of exemplary government throughout our nation.
Please visit my website regularly for updates on our progress. I welcome your input and look forward to hearing from you.
Richard F. Cortez
Hidalgo County Judge